Four examples of original art from my archive of magazine illustrations.
From top to bottom:
- Psychology Today (Can't remember the article, but it looks interesting!)
- Newsweek (So glad no one asks you to draw those old computers anymore; I must have drawn a hundred of them -- it was so hard to make them interesting.)
- Details (Mom has boyfriends)
- New Times (Video dating; This was a cover of a weekly, one of many I did "back in the day")
It's sad to keep hearing about how the magazine industry is dying - at least for someone like me who always loved them (probably since buying my first copy of Famous Monsters of Filmland). I can't imagine my life without all the cool magazines I loved to read growing up. And, even though I majored in Fine Arts in college, I always had a secret desire to somehow one day get my art into magazines. Eventually (it's a long story!) it happened and I was in a LOT of magazines during the '90s & '00s. If I hadn't decided I wanted to concentrate more on comics, I might still be doing lots and lots. I loved the whole process -- the phone call, the sketches, the deadline, the all-nighter, the feeling of accomplishment -- and seeing the work in print a month later...
I have no idea whether the magazine industry is really "dying" or not (what am I, Criswell?) -- I'm just glad I had the chance to do so many fun & silly drawings I would otherwise have never thought of doing.