Here is a selection of my Christmas/Seasons Greetings cards from over the years, mostly from the 1990s and early '00s. These were made to be sent to illustration/comics colleagues and clients. One of the earlier ones here, from 1992, was done on a letterpress (shown at the top). Others were simply done at Kinkos and some I did using Cafe Press. A couple were actually assignments -- Christmas cards for other people (like Fantagraphics or The Seattle Rocket) -- that I then revised and used as my own.
I did cards every year from 1992 until just a couple of years ago, but I don't have any left in my files from some years. I especially liked drawing Santa Claus for some reason. The one with the magician and his rabbit is from the year I had a strip featuring those characters running in Nickelodeon Magazine (I loved doing that strip, but it only lasted for about ten 2-page episodes...sigh). Nowadays, of course, anyone can create their own cards on their computers and print them out themselves on really nice paper -- that's still amazing to me. It's pretty cool, actually...