Set of Halloween cards, using images of silk-screened art created for a 1994 Halloween art show.

Uncut silkscreen of black cat image, 14" x 18", 1994.

Uncut silkscreen of Jack-O-Lantern image, 14" x 18", 1994

Original Jack-O-Lantern line art. Pen & Ink, 14" x 18", 1994.

Front and back views of the package of "Halloween Hang-ups" made for the 1994 show. We only made around 65 of these packages, containing the hand-cut silkscreens. There were three different designs in each package, each with a stapled photocopied red cardstock header. It was all very "crafty" & low-tech & home-made. They were just intended to add a bit more fun to the show -- affordable souvenirs to be sold during the reception. When I had the opportunity to do a set of Halloween cards several years later, I decided to reuse these designs, since I was always kind of fond of them and was sorry we hadn't done a larger edition (the original group sold out within a week, although I set aside some for myself, most of which have since been sold). Below is the poster for the show:
These are wonderful. I wish I had seen these during October, which wound up being an intensely busy time for me leaving little time for visiting other blogs. What fun! You are a master of the macabre!